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Welcome to the Inner Development Goals Community!

This is an emerging network of IDG Hubs & Networks who are using the Inner Development Goals (IDGs) to accelerate progress towards the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Our three pillars:


We are creating an open source library of tools that both people and organisations can use to develop the skills outlined by the IDG framework. Here you can find methods, workshops and resources relevant to the skills you want to practice.

Explore the IDG Toolkit


With more than 600 IDG Hubs, this is an emerging network eager to participate, explore and co-create. Join local events, connect with the global community and learn together.

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Read stories of how people around the world are using the IDG framework in practice. Learn from others and try it with your local hub. Share your own story and help make the IDG community even better!

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Members from IDG Hubs in 5 countries on the initial meeting. Welcome to join the next one!

Living the IDGs – Join us as a Global Movement

2022-11-24 ·
Community update Inspiration

Tuesday November 22nd, members from IDG Hubs in Japan, Brazil, Spain, Norway and Sweden met. The purpose was to explore how we can inspire and be inspired by each other and together focus on one IDG dimension per month starting in January with BEING.

Starting the morning in the beautiful garden.

IDG Hub Flanders Gains Momentum

2022-12-01 ·
Inspiration Learning

After getting started as an IDG Hub and organising local events with up to 80 participants, learn how IDG Hub Flanders is balancing strategic planning with outward action.

A Swedish winter lake view, combined with presence and playfulness creates good conditions for inner development.

One Year of Exploring the IDGs with 29k

2022-11-22 ·
Inspiration Learning

Are you curious about inner development, but don’t know how, or where to start? Here’s what a group of friends learned by doing five 29k courses together, and how you can find motivation by combining regular exercises with in-person events - and having fun!

Seedlings growing next to each other - just like we as people grow together with others.

Bridging the Knowing-Doing Gap

2022-12-12 ·

Want to get serious about inner development at scale? Start with yourself. 29k psychologist Jenny Rickardsson shares a personal journey.

People standing around the workshop table, filled with post-it notes of personal values

The First IDG Budapest Community Hub Event was Mesmerizing

2023-02-01 ·

On the 25th of January, 2023 the 1st IDG Community Event in Budapest was held with 20 attendees and with great success. Last November, when we established the IDG Hub with 9 passionate people in Budapest, Hungary, we couldn’t foresee that our first local event will be such great momentum!

We feel our hub as a forest that lets light in, gives shade when it is hot and are connected inside with roots.

Deep Listening to Vulnerability and Discomfort To See the Next Step

2022-12-14 ·

This is a story of deep listening and bond creation within an IDG Hub in Spain, and also a story of a human group moving forward, focused on its intention, by using deep listening.

Gabriella Grusell on stage presenting her keynote about the Inner Development Goals

Gathering Across Sectors to Practice IDG Skills

2022-11-22 ·
Inspiration Learning

At a sustainability day in Sweden hundreds of people gathered from all sectors, focusing on the solutions of tomorrow and the inner shifts that are necessary.

Norweigian IDG Hub coordinators planning their next activities, and how to collaborate.

The IDGs Have Reached Norway!

2022-11-22 ·

Three Norwegian Hubs share their experiences from starting a national cooperation and want to inspire new Hubs to join.

Participants at the last event with the IDG Hub in Barcelona

IDG Hub Barcelona Grows and Solidifies

2022-11-21 ·
Inspiration Learning

The IDG Barcelona Hub has been sharing and co-creating the Inner Development Goals since the first IDG Summit. In our last meet-up on November 18th, it was wonderful to see an open, honest and diverse group of individuals united by the same goals and prioritizing inner transformation and…

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Showing 9 of 9 stories

Stories by and for the community

Stories help us learn together with the global IDG community and share inspiration and insights along the journey. Our vision is to bring people together, and create a vast library of stories exploring how to use the IDGs in practice to reach the SDGs.

To make this happen, our small editorial team needs your help. This is a community-driven project where you can make a meaningful contribution to not just learn more about the IDGs yourself - but also empower many others.

Explore Hubs & Networks